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Showing posts from February, 2019

Why leave anything to chance?

Why leave anything to chance? That's what I'm wondering today. A number of reasons I've gotten to this thinking and writing it down means I need to do something about it. I need to understand the problem. I'm training for a marathon. 6 weeks into a 16 week plan. And generally it's been going well. Although I have missed some sessions albeit for legitimate reasons. But that's just the point; I can always make a reason for missing a session but really mostly it's excuses. I'd never miss my long run. It would be too many miles to miss in a week. But when it comes to other sessions I'm not so consistent. And the ones I miss the most are the technical speed sessions. I suppose I think they are the least important but while actually doing one today I realised how important they are. They are in the plan for a reason so who am I to decide to skip them? I've missed 3 out of 6 of them for various reasons and 2 other sessions on days before them meaning ...