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Swim to ankle rehab glory and other Historic Stories

 And so it starts. Or continues. The quest to do some more running. But first given the previously mentioned well timed sprained ankle, and Im feeling the usual ligamnet damage some swimming. The same ankle, weak as always and as always, again not strengthened. Previously injuried in a tragic dancing accident 2 years ago it took some many months to recover successfully and a lot of physio. This time Im skipping the physio, doing the exercises, and getting to the pool. The theory to work on the aerobic capacity if not the legs. So lets see where the swimming journey takes me and any sucess it will lead to running. Im assuming none so at least my expectations are low.

Anyway since leaving Ive been just running. Life got in the way of triathalon and time was not so forgiving. So I ran. And then ra some more. In fact I ran alot but in no way any any time was I consistent, which is probably my problem. I do have an urge to always run further but I dont seem to be getting there easily. My must successful achievement to date is 10 official marathon plus distances which Ill list below. It alstarted in March 2019 and officially as of June 2024 I hit number 10 with many more over marathon distances in training and also a funraiser of my own cobering 56k along the western way.

Running is easy to give up time too and can be done almost anywhere which is always helpful but trying to find an hour a day sometimes feels impossible and I am very aware this is just an excuse. But its my excuse. There is not enough time. When I look back I can see that the time hasnt changed, I have and my persections so this will form part of this journey, to get running and running consistenly. 

This year has been different in the sense that I didnt fully retire from running like I have done so many times in the past but kept it barely alive, ticking over with 1 a week, I think even 1 in 2 weeks but the urge to quit stopped and I got back into it. 

Ankle injury aside,swimming counts so Im technically still no the proverbial horse. Lets hope it continues.

1000m this morning, good achievment for a man that cant really swim.

Details of past exploits here since IM 70.3 disappointed me so much, yes you can read about my sheer pain suffering and disappointment

1. March 2019 Connamarathon 3.37 Still my marathon PB and that is all to my poor drive to race

2. May 2019 Burren Marathon 4.00

3. August 2019 Longford Ultra 39mile 6.07 flat but hot 7th place

4. January 2020 Ballyhoura night trail marathon, over 28miles!

5. February 2020 Donadea 50k 4.40 I think

6. September 2022 Dingle Marathon

7. April 2023 Connamarathon

8. October 2023 Dublin Marathon in all the rain

9. May 2024 Limerick Marathon

10. June 2024 Portumna Forest 50k 4.41 

Further achievements within the time since past but not officially official 

July 2019 Leenane to Oughterard Western Way 65k I think 6.20

March 2020 Gealforce Skyline run

May- August 2020 Virtual Race across Tennesse 1000k in 91days, Im proud of that.

August 2020 Marathon home from work

Couple of 30mile training runs

May 2019 Oughterard 10k PB 41 mins

August 2019 Streets of Galway 8k PB 31mins

Maybe theres more, who knows...

So there we are all caught up, no fun stories, lots of running and lots of numbers.

Sometimes I wonder do I really like running. 

And that I will continue to wonder. 

When Im injured I want it.


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