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Be Inspired but Do Take Action

While out running this afternoon I listened to a podcast that inspired me. Ironically it was about the difference, or shift change from being inspired to putting that inspiration into an action and therefore more than just an idea.

This is me. This is totally me.

I get inspired all the time. Its great. You'd love it. I get excited. I read the entire internet on the chosen subject (currently, obviously Triathlon). I question friends who know more than me. I buy lots of books and read bits of them. I research gear and equipment. I check prices. I check bank balance. I search for better prices.
And then I get inspired by something else and I start all over again. Its great fun but the main problem is never getting anything done.
Don't get me wrong I have done stuff but today really struck a cord that the research, the gear, others peoples opinions are not pretty much unimportant if they do not mean anything to you. I mean me. To me.

So really this needs to be about me doing all of the above and staying focused. For me. I have spend a lot of money signing up for 70.3 and I'm hoping this will keep me on the straight and narrow. But I also know that spending the money will obviously get me to the start line but getting to the finish line is different.
So tonight I signed up to another race. An Olympic distance open water triathlon at the end of May in the hope this will be more preparation and also much closer to keep the focus and the drive real. But the main reason is that its Sunday night Ive already run today, Ive already stretched today and Ive even foam rolled the hell out of myself while cold sweating and mumbling angrily to myself about why I should never have stopped foam rolling in the first place so therefore, I deserved to have a google, see a triathlon, get inspired and quickly spend the money thus taking action. I cant talk myself out of this now.

A few years ago I completed Wicklow 200, a 200km cycle in the wicklow mountains taking in some pretty testing climbs. I was pleasantly satisfied with my completion time and how strong I felt (within reason) afterwards. The reason I was so prepared for this is that people continually told me how hard it would be and that I was going to have my worse day ever. No matter how hard I trained. It would be grim. I would be crap and do well to finish at all. I brushed it all off claiming I was a supreme being, unfazed by negative commentary. But I did train and trained hard secretly. I abused myself in spin classes once stumbling off the bike directly to the toilets and emptied my stomach, a valuable lesson learnt on nutrition that day. I dragged myself out cycling 5 days a week, 2 long hilly cycles and 3 short every week. I missed 2 planned sessions through laziness but managed to get back on track and eventually succeeded in a really positive strong mental strength kinda way. Take that haters.

I need to channel that inner dread again this time. I prided myself and being annoyingly positive during Wicklow 200 and never once did I really struggle too much. The weather was horrible and I convinced myself this was the ultimate day to beat this challenge. With conditions at their worst my feat would be more impressive. But it got sunny by lunchtime and I dried out and got burnt and well, it wasn't the worse day on a bike.

So in my new world of multi-sports training is going well. Ive decided not to take a day off for the sake of taking a day off. Theres enough going on at the moment with moving house, commuting and work that there will be days that I cant train and I need to make peace with that. I need to train my myself to not beat myself up when I don't physically have time to train but at the same time when I'm just being lazy, making up an excuse, its my own fault. I need to think about the pain I will face on 70.3 day and that pain is all preventable and manageable today, now, in the present if I do what Im supposed to do, be disciplined and structured.

Breakdown of the week:

Monday Swim lesson and extra swimming 2 hours
Tuesday Swim 1 hour
Wednesday (early morning) Swim 45 minutes
Thursday Run in the dark 6k (3.7m)
Friday Swim 1 hour
Saturday Nothing
Sunday 6mile

Taking the positives; trained on 6 days, managed 1 early morning swim, and as planned swimming is my main focus with running filling the voids.

Plan for this week is similar. I need to remember not to run before I can crawl so to speak because I will get injured and as with all injuries comes great anger, disappointment and generally a feeling of stupidity.

So planning this week to avoid stupidity and improving Swim breathing and stroke.

Its time for Action. I am Inspired.


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