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Decision first, think later. 15/11/17

I've only gone and entered an Ironman 70.3 That's a half Ironman. Basically too much swimming too much cycling and a half marathon.
I can't exactly explain why I've entered. And now I'm very much wondering why. It wasn't a childhood dream. It's not something I've only just realised existed. I've known about them for years now. But there was never an interest. It was always something other people did and I thought wow, swimming.
I hate swimming. Always have. Probably because I'm crap at it. And it seems so hard but so does everything when your crap at it. A late start to swimming and I'm not even sure I ever learnt properly. Also some bad memories of being held under water as a teenager. Poor me.
So with a general hate for swimming yet a jealous "I wish I could" vibe I entered a Dun Laoghaire Ironman 70.3 with little regard for the course details. Main reason was its nearness, as in not abroad. I'm not ready to go abroad and fail yet. It's 9 months from now or more specifically 277 days.
So having made I stupid decision today I though it best to balance it up with booking some swimming lessons. 
And then pull out the calculator and work out what 1.2 miles is in kilometres and then how many lengths of a pool is that. (It's just shy of 78 by the way). 
My current status is half a length underwater and unable to take a breathe or breath. Standing up coughing and spluttering in the middle of a pool doesn't exactly scream 1.2 mile swim in 277 days. So yes I've a bit to learn. And then there's the cut off time. We'll come back to that when I come to terms with it.
But given I've no idea what my current pace is over half a length we can altogether assume that yes I have some work to do.

But I remain positive. Why not? I've decided that the secret is in the mind. The monkey mindtalk. The mental part of sport. Of endurance. Of training. Managing your own inner talk and telling it where to go. As in feck off. I got this. Maybe.
I'm confident of the bike leg on its own. 56 miles. It's manageable. Although off the bike for 2 years I'm sure it's in there somewhere. Somewhere.

And as for running. I'm new enough to it. I also hated it for years but somehow was converted. A great way of managing ones mind I find. Rhyme not intended but it does work. I've again done a few half marathons so am sure I could get through it. The problem is putting the three together. Swim. Bike. Run. And again the cut off. What a way that would be to ruin my day.

So listening to my mind speak today initial thoughts are as follows. Negatively; I cannot swim that distance. I have never swam in open water. And there is a cut off time. My race could be over before the bike. 

But more positively; if I get through the swim I'm nearly there.

My other problem is my lack of focus when training. I rarely follow a plan. I run how my body feels. I cycled the same. I work in phases or training hard getting busy, forgetting about it and being back at square one. Or injured.
This is not very clever. No time for rest, no high intensity, no low intensity, just hitting that grey area where you don't improve. Stagnant. 

So to my aims. Obviously to finish which I'm sure my determination and drive will ensure. But I would like to train well. And finish confidently that the training worked and that I had trained properly. That discipline will be a challenge for me. But it's just a habit and focus I need to ensure.

So the plan is this. Swim lessons and swimming until Christmas. The odd spin class. And as much running as I can fit in around. Then in January with hopefully a level of swim ability in me I can begin the halfway journey to my new, not sure where it came from, Ironman dream.

Things to do before I die. This year, Ironman is the focus.


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