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Old men

Why do old men always want to chat in the swimming pool? It's a not a bloody Turkish baths situation. Also in the showers. I don't need to be told that "it's nice to be under the hot water". I am under the hot water. I know its nice. All this after being told all about how hard swimming is, how hard life is, how running or walking are so hard and swimming is all he'll be able to do until he leaves this life, quote, unquote.
A cheery Saturday evening all round really as the old man waits to die in the pool but is brought back to life by nice hot water.

The gym closes early on a Saturday and I really didn't have time for idle life, death and hot water discussions. There was swimming to be doing or attempted anyway. Small talk aside I did achieve my 500m aim which to most swimmers probably doesn't seem like a lot but to me is amazing. Tou could say it went swimmingly. And yes by the end of the week having completed 2700m (a new weekly totals record obviously) I was feeling good about my swimming even if my arms didn't lift anymore and the pain in my shoulders was well, painful.
The price of successful swimming, unable to do much else. Also a pretty comfortable 11k run on Thursday which included no after affects or niggles was a nice treat.

Then I was brought firmly back to ground around my swimming technique this week being told that my kick was using too much effort, my stroke was not efficient, my body position was all wrong and my head not in the right place for breathing.
I left feeling deflated and wondering how on earth, or in water was I going to manage to get my bum and hips to stay high and float. I'm still wondering but one thing is for sure, if I can ever figure it out my swimming will be quicker. When I swim with 2 floats shoved up between my legs keeping my hips high I swim faster and effortlessly. A lot of practise needed here but at least in theory it works.

I also managed to swim a really slow length this evening for which I am most proud. Slowing everything down, not rushing and hopefully somewhere in that saving some energy. It also proves that the paniced advanced drowning technique is improving and I'm improving at trusting the water. Maybe even someday I'll grow to love it. After all there's a fair bit of running and cycling to do once this swim is eventually done.

Totals for last week
Monday 1100m swim
Tuesday Failed swim, no goggles, lesson learnt
Wednesday early morning 500m
Thursday 11.1k run
Friday AM 600m swim
Saturday 500m swim

Body feels good and no major ailments. Shoulder A.C. joint scan on Friday to hopefully figure out that pain.

Discipline for Christmas will be tough with colder weather and limited gym time with work and family. I need to remember that a few solid weeks here is better than nothing and having to start all over again in January.

The future is bright.


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