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Crushing Balls

Its been a while since I decided to go on this Ironman journey and in that time I still cant seem to spell Triathlon right most of the time. Does that mean this is not for me I should just give up? Its a sign, a sign that if you cannot spell it, you shouldnt do it. Life lesson.

Its been 6 months since I've last been on a bike and I was fearing the worst when deciding to take out the trusty steed for a quick spin on Sunday. It really didn't disappoint.
The parts of me I forgot how to hurt hurt. those parts were everywhere. Turns out staying consistent has advantages. The lovely burny feeling in the quads and calves returned and it was beautiful. That feeling reminds me of fitness and I visualize that as getting fitter and getting strong. Success. Not that I can count today's cycle as success but it was a start. Just the small matter of no hills and no wind on today's route and still a struggle.
A low winter sun peeped over the the hedges and empty fields aimed directly into my eyes blinding me as if it knew that today was the day I needed to be tested, pushed, driven. The muscle memory returned of that funny back and neck pain as well as the weird headache from craning your eyes forward  and upwards unnaturally and yes, staring into the sun. Oh the joys of cycling.
I repositioned my bum multiple times before realising, that this bum pain is not something you get used to, its something you get on with. Plus it leaves a reminder for a few days that its still there, lingering, reminding you some time, someday you will have to get back on the bloody bike and experience all this all over again. Bloody bum pain.
And then the most painful, awkward, no where to put them part. The part of cycling you forget exists like the bum part but when you sit down on that narrow hardy saddle, you remember. Ill clarify. I now listen to a really interesting podcast covering all things Triathlon called "Crushing Iron". It really is a wealth of information on ultra sports including events, training, diet, etiquette, mindset, injuries and lots more and I find it very much addictive in my motivation to stay motivated. You could say its motivating.
So that awkward, sometimes sore, no whee to put them feeling that returned to me on Sunday. The need to constantly readjust and a feeling that I wonder how I will deal with when using actual tri bars and in a lower body position. If your still wondering what this feeling I speak so subtly about is please review the title of this blog entry, also inspired by Crushing Iron. Its something Ill have to get re-used to given I have cycled much more in he past. But complaining and first world ball issues aside (no pun intended) it wasn't a bad spin clocking 30k and keeping an average pace of 25kph which I'm currently claiming as impressive while secretly hoping I look back on this spin as poor and pathetic but at least I got out there in January, right?
Although getting back on the bike was a challenge for a number of reasons, some logistical, some laziness, some fearsome I did manage to maintain some activity through a Christmas which included a plus 80 hour working week on the run in, a lot of driving time throughout and the added stress and physical demands of packing up and moving out of a house in three 14 hour box filling, moving and lifting shifts. Unfortunately this didn't leave a lot of time for training so I stuck to the simple efforts of running, managing to squeeze in three runs over the busy period. 21k in total as well as plenty of extra physical work has left me in a place where luckily I do not need to rebuilt too much in January and am happy enough with my base fitness.
Im back in the pool and even without swimming for the last three weeks felt good although there still is a long way to go to perfect my technique, effort and energy conservation.
The plan for January is to get swimming back on track and crank up the volume. I've read that tons of volume isnt necessary given he gains that can be made in the water are slight in comparison to a strong cycle or run but I need it for confidence and trust in myself and my ability. Obviously back on the bike and building to longer distances one day a week as well as some extra spin classes for fitness, strength and endurance.
Core strength seems to be the secret of pretty much every element of triathlon, be it keeping hips high in the water and rotaion the body as a whole through the stroke, keeping the upper body still on the bike and powering through the hips into the legs and also reducing fatigue as the running distances get longer - never mind swimming 1900m and cycling 90km beofre all that running business.

Mentally remaining positive and strong. Visulation has always worked for me as a tool to suceeding so I'm hoping to use that through meditation and yoga to be confident in my abilities and training.

Today's mantra:
Arrive prepared and lets crush some balls.


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