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I need to be consistent yet not obsessive. Not at the start anyway. 
My usual habit is start strong, do too much, get injured or busy with life and not train enough. Then "Get through" an event. Not exactly giving your all.

So consistency. Slow steady not overdoing it training. Focus on the swimming. Get that right. The technique. The economy. The speed. The water fitness. 
And swim as many days as possible. I suppose what I find hard is what I learn in swim lessons is hard to practise when I can't see what I'm doing wrong. But I'm thinking it. And trying to be slower. More controlled. Also like a strange person I am watching everyone else swim and picking out the good ones. The ones with a good reach stroke. The ones who's arms move slow yet they are flying. The ones with the perfectly bent elbows only out of the water a short time.

And then on the days life won't let me swim. I'll run. Short steady distances and only increase gradually. Working again on form and stride. I do need to look at some speed sessions I can work in each week. Maybe one to work on lung capacity and lacticnessity. Yeah its a word. But really it's just staying on my feet. Injury would be a disaster.

So far this week Swim lesson Monday, and practise after. And more practise. And lots of drinking water. No-one tells you how much water you'll drink. But I'll tell you, its a LOT.
Then pool again Tuesday night which went well. Not really sure on distance but a good hour working on my stroke, my arm extension, the pull, oh and breathing. The thing I forget to do the most. But look at me using all the terms I learnt watching youtube swimming videos until 1am. What a life I live

I am also so proud of myself. I dragged myself up for a swim at 6.30 this morning. It was raining, but that wasn't an excuse because I was going to get wet in the pool anyway. I trudged in grumpily yet determined. Got in. It wasn't too bad. Almost warm. Drank some water. Did some, ups and downs. Not sure I can call it swimming yet and got out and felt great. Hungry but great.

Theres a lot to be said for getting it done first thing. Im planning on a weekly habit of 1 early morning. I don't want to say Ill do 3, then fail, get angry, get depressed, give up and stop everything. 
No this is a marathon, not a sprint. Actually its more than a marathon.

So slow and steady wins the race. 
We'll see.

Anyway to the foam roller I go. The funnest part of the day.

Word Out.


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